Vintage Themed Wedding
A lovely vintage themed wedding at Southover Grange, Lewes.
Sue & I had to dress up for this one. Sue looked great in her outfit, with black fascinator and not only that, I eventually found a quality vintage suit.
Helen looked fantastic in her dress..
Kev and his brother Doug his best man, were wearing kilts and everyone really looked the part.
The lovely gardens in the grounds gave us some stunning options for some eye catching shots.
The last shot was my favourite image of Kev & Helen’s wedding day and I managed to get it processed and framed ready to present to them at the reception the next evening.

- Emily &Joe - May 21, 2024
- Sophie & Matt - April 30, 2024
- Family Shoot - April 15, 2024
- ‘Never Answer To A Whistle’ - March 6, 2023
- Hannah & Lee – Hove - June 12, 2022
- Chris & Shailini – Italy - May 5, 2022
- Holly & Gregg – Bristol - September 9, 2021
- Mick & Elke – Brighton - August 28, 2021
- Francesca & Michael - August 22, 2021
- Danny & Teresa - July 22, 2021
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When Jeff turned up with an old brownie camera on an ancient wooden tripod and shouted watch the birdie, we all dived for cover as the flash ripped through the air and smoke covered the venue. A Vintage wedding Jeff not vintage photography!
Jeff said he had the quintessential dichotomy, whether to be guest or professional! So did we! Both Helen and I knew they would deliver a quality product working 100% to capture every moment of our day and not allow time to enjoy the celebrations on the day. So a simple solution, have two wedding days, perfect! On Friday, Jeff and Sue worked and on the Saturday, they partied! What amazing pictures they produced. Yes, with state of the art camera kit. He made comment about relaxing his subjects to get the most out of the shots. They did it perfectly. Does it help being friends? No because as Jeff says, it puts more pressure on all. That was my perception prior to the event. During and after, my view changed because of their work ethic and partnership. They had done their homework and visited the site. They knew every place that a picture would be created to capture the moments. Guests were all at ease with their relaxed manner and personalities that were without being too slushy, in perfect harmony with the environment, conditions, location and of course, the most unpredictable of all, people!
We knew the pictures would take some time to edit and prepare then upload for an initial unveiling. As with life, the best things are worth the wait. But we didn't have to wait too long for what I can honestly say, is the best picture I have ever seen of us.
On the Saturday, after the church blessing we made our way to a field. Yes a field, for our reception decked out with marquee, bunting, jam jars full of amazing flowers, tea lights in trees, camp fire, games and great food. All guests dressed appropriately in vintage clothing. Jeff and Sue, as always, going for it in style. They looked amazing. It was their time to relax. But they couldn't! Both insisted I came with them to their car where they handed me a large parcel. "Open it Chip, go on!" They were like two excited kids. When I did unwrap it I realised why. The picture is the one he is using on his front page. Helen was overwhelmed with the quality and effect. It now has pride of place and copies are being requested for parents. Brilliant! Then a few days later, all pictures are on the website! What a service!
So if ever you intend to get a friend to take your professional wedding or other event pictures, don't! Unless they are called Jeff and Sue Woodall. Thanks mates, perfect!
I really appreciate your kind comments – so glad to get such a testimonial. By the way, I did have a box Brownie once!
Hi Jeff. Great to see you doing so well and still taking amazing pics. You were always the teachers pet! 😉
Looking forward to seeing more of your blog as you write about more weddings! Hope you are all well x