Paraglider having taken off from the top of the Fronalpstock mountain, switzerland

What a great trip we had visiting friends in Switzerland. Some wonderful walks along Lake Zurich in Richterswil and Lake Lucerne, but also a breathtaking visit up to Stoos, which is at the foot of the Fronalpstock mountain. To get there, you travel on the funicular railway – the steepest in the world. It travels 743 metres in altitude, in less than 7 minutes. It’s then two lots of cable cars (or a walk) to get the rest of the way. Stoos is at 1300m and the top of Frontalpstock is at 1922m.

There was also an added bonus when we reached the top – paragliders in action. I spoke to Sebastian in one group and asked if it would be ok to take a few shots as they set up and took off. He was happy for me to, asking if perhaps I could let him have any images, as they don’t usually get any from below. The winds were tricky, but they all managed a successful take off.


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